December 26, 2024
In this episode, we are joined by Christian Pinkney, an intermediate civil litigator from Corcoran French in Christchurch. Christian's journey in law didn't start the usual way. He shares his journey through University, through his first role being somewhere he hadn't envisioned and working hard to get to where he needs to be now.
Christian's experience at University was like most of ours, having way too much fun and on reflection, could have worked harder to set himself up for success. Starting out with a full time role in-house instead of in Private Practice meant his start was different that what he envisioned.
But through working hard and acquiring skills, he landed a great role and seems to be absolutely loving it. Christian also discusses the main differences between his experience working in-house vs private practice and has an obvious piece of advice for himself at the end.
Sam reviews this conversation in depth at the episode, shares his thoughts and opinions on the conversation and offers some ideas for our junior audience. To tune into this conversation, please follow this link.